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Simply Perfect Pink Rose Bouquet & Box

  • Showcasing delicate pink roses, the Simply Perfect Pink Rose Bouquet & Box is a delightful way to convey your sentiments. With no need for introductions, the beauty of a blooming rose speaks for itself. This bouquet is elegantly presented in a flower box for a classic touch and secure transportation. Customize your gift by adding your choice of wine, beer, champagne, chocolates, and more from our selection.

    Please Note: This gift contains perishable items. To ensure freshness, we highly recommend using an express shipping method (Same-Day, Next-Day, or Overnight) for any order comprising fruits/chocolate-dipped fruits, cakes/baked goods, flowers/plants, cheese, and all other perishable items.

  • This beautiful bouquet features a selection of 12 pink roses gathered into a floral wrap and tied with ribbon and presented in a pink flower box. If you wish, you can add any wine, champagne, beer, liquor or gourmet gifts from our list of add-ons to this gift.

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Our Flower Gifts & Floral Arrangements

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